Sexual Problems in Women - Women Sexual Health

Female Sexuality

Women seek sex for many reasons: to feel closeness and intimacy, satisfy sexual hunger, nurture and enjoy commitment, feel attractive and be attracted, and enjoy physical pleasure.

The female sexual response in dependent on both mind and body.  The nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, and reproductive systems must work properly for you to realize the five states of arousal: desire, excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.

Desire starts in your mind and body in response to diverse sexual stimuli from fantasies, memories, suggestions, touch, movement, taste, smell, sounds, and sight.  This desire creates a hunger for sexual stimulation.
Excitement is your body's response to sexual desire.  Your heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration increase, breasts enlarge and nipples become erect, vagina expands, clitoris and labia swell, and uterine and cervical glands secrete lubricants.  You experience heightened breast, vaginal, and clitoral sensitivity.
Plateau is the highest moment of sexual excitement prior to orgasm.  Your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing continually increase, muscles tense, clitoris withdraws, lubrication flows, areolae around nipples become larger, labia continues swelling, the uterus tips to stand high in the abdomen, and the lower vagina swells, narrows, and tightens.

Orgasm occurs at the peak of the Plateau stage.  Your heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure all peak, muscle control is lost resulting in spasms, and the release of endorphins coupled with multiple contractions of muscles in the uterus, vagina, anus, and pelvis result in extremely intense pleasure.
Resolution starts at the completion of orgasm.  Your heart rate and blood pressure first drop to below normal then normalize, blood flows away form the vagina, blood vessels dilate to drain pelvic tissues, breasts and areolae shrink and nipples soften, labia returns to normal size, vagina relaxes, the cervix opens for 20 to 30 minutes to help semen travel into the uterus, and the uterus lowers into the upper vagina region.  Muscles become less tense leading to a feeling of relaxation and drowsiness.

Sexual Problems in Women
If sex is not satisfying for you and you are bothered by this or the situation is causing relationship problems, then you are experiencing a sexual problem.  Common symptoms are:
  • Decreased desire, fewer fantasies, reluctance to have sex.
  • Unreceptive to sexual suggestions, inability to feel or stay excited.
  • Inability to plateau and achieve orgasm.
  • Painful intercourse.
Studies suggest that almost half of women in the United States suffer from one or more of four types of sexual dysfunction: low libido (hypoactive sexual desire), sexual arousal disorder, orgasmic disorder, and sexual pain disorder.  Low libido is the most prevalent.

The consequences of not treating this problem can be severe.  Ongoing friction in relationships due to sexual problems can lead to separation, unfaithfulness, and prolonged emotional duress for both partners.  Many women fear sexual intercourse so much that they avoid male companionship and possible relationships.  As the problem becomes ingrained in the psyche, possibilities for love and satisfying sex life are lost and replaced by loneliness, low self-esteem, and depression.

Common causes for problems are:
  • Emotional - stress, relationship issues, losing a partner, depression, anxiety, history of sexual trauma, unhappiness with self.
  • Physical - hormonal imbalance (related to menstrual cycle, birth control pills, hormone therapy, pregnancy, menopause), vaginal infections, previous pelvic trauma, vaginal dryness, vaginismus (involuntary contractions of vaginal muscles), herpes, aging (leading to vaginal dryness and stiffness).
  • Medical Conditions - diabetes, arthritis, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infection, stroke, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, hypothyroidism, endometriosis, and many other disease have impact on the female sexuality.
  • Post Illness Effects - damage from cancer and surgery such as mastectomy and hysterectomy might make sex unpleasant.
  • Drug Side Effects - medicines for diabetes, blood pressure, depression, allergies, appetite suppressions, and chemotherapy are known to affect sexuality.
  • Excessive Drinking - reduces ability to achieve orgasm.
Treatment for sexual problems depends on the causes.  The options can include one or more of the following:
  • Treatment of health problems which are impacting on sexuality.
  • Changing medication with side effects on sexuality.
  • Hormone therapy with estrogen and testosterone.
  • Sex education and therapy in communication, foreplay, use of lubricants and sex aids, and reducing inhibitions.
  • Relationship counseling to foster emotional bonding, acceptance, and intimacy.
  • Psychological therapy to resolve cultural issues and sexual trauma like rape.
Thus far, Western medicine has not offered successful treatments for female sexual dysfunction.  Currently no medications are approved by the FDA for treating female sexual problems.  Physical and psychological symptoms are being treated with aggressive prescription drugs.  Since underlying causes are not being addressed, as soon are you stop using the drugs, the problem returns!

Also prescription drugs often result in unwanted and even dangerous side effects.  For example, the combined side-effects of Estrogen and Testosterone therapy are heart disease, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, dangerous blood clots, stroke, dementia, acne, facial hair, loss of hair, and deepening of the voice.
Ayurveda, the science of life, prevention and longevity, is the oldest and most holistic and comprehensive medical system available.  Its fundamentals can be found in Hindu scriptures called the Vedas - the ancient Indian books of wisdom written over 5,000 years ago.  Ayurveda uses the inherent principles of nature to help maintain health in a person by keeping the individual's body, mind, and spirit in perfect equilibrium with nature.

India Herbs has a seasoned group of Ayurvedic doctors specialized in Vajikarana, one of the eight major specialties of Ayurveda.  Vajikarana is "a process or a drug, which make a woman sexually as strong as a horse and able to copulate for long and frequently with many husbands and partners."  

Vajikarana prescribes the therapeutic use of various aphrodisiacs and tonic preparations for enhancing the reproductive capabilities and vigor of women while strengthening the body and overall well-being.
India Herbs' Vajikarana doctors combine a proprietary herbal formula based on centuries' old wisdom with advice on diet, exercise, mental training, and relaxation to help women reach their peak and overcome sexual concerns through safe, natural means.

Besides directly addressing diseases which have an adverse, secondary affect on your libido, you can unleash your erotic energy and enjoy your sex life fully by:
1) Taking Kama Rani on a daily basis to ensure hundreds of phytonutrients rejuvenate your nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, and reproductive systems.  Your sexuality depends on these systems to function properly.
2) Reducing the impact of stress on your sexual life.  This means embracing a holistic lifestyle of proper nutrition, daily exercise, regular sleep, meditation, and conscious gratefulness for the positives in your life.
3) Finding time to enjoy tenderness and closeness with your partner and to discuss your needs and desires.
4) Using meditation, reflection, and masturbation to acquaint yourself with your sexual make-up and pathways for achieving optimal arousal.
5) Applying lubrication gels as needed to eliminate pain during intercourse.
6) Focusing on enjoying mutual pleasure during intimacy.  By making orgasm a secondary consideration, unnecessary pressure is removed from yourself and your partner.
Results: The precise combination of ingredients in Kama Rani along with a mind-body focus precisely addresses the sexual concerns of women!
For more information, please visit this product's website.

Kama Rani for Female Arousal

Based on Ayurvedic Medicine as seen on the Dr. Oz Show.
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Unleash your Erotic Energy - Feel Sexy Inside and Out!


Kama Rani is a natural supplement geared towards optimizing women's total sexual health, libido, and pleasure.  It will:

Elevate your Desire for Sex.
Heighten your Excitement.
Rejuvenate your Vagina.
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Engender Proper Lubrication.
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Try a Proprietary Formula for Female Libido based on Ayurveda - the Oldest and Most Holistic, Comprehensive Medical System Available.
Kama Rani treats the underlying causes of Female Sexual Dysfunction - not just the symptoms!
Kama Rani contains the 10 most potent aphrodisiac herbal concentrates available in Ayurvedic Science and backed by clinical studies.  When formulated in the correct amounts and blended by our proprietary process, 103 natural phytonutrients exert 321 synergistic activities on your body to successfully stimulate sexual activity, maintain clitoral sensitivity, and increase sexual pleasure.
Kama Rani strengthens the woman's body so that it is more robust and energized, improves circulation especially around erogenous zones to intensify orgasms, elevates estrogen levels to improve libido and increase lubrication, nourishes and stimulates the nervous system to relieve effects of stress, soothes the reproductive system, stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary glands to release growth hormone and boost clitoral sensitivity, and calms the mind to prolong clitoral sensitivity and sexual pleasure.
The ingredients in Kama Rani comprise a Proprietary Blend that goes to work directly on the entire female reproductive system and genitalia, with positive effects on hormonal levels, blood flow, and clitoral responsiveness.  Simply take one Kama Rani capsule two times per day to maintain and intensify these effects on your body over time.  For optimal results, please incorporate lifestyle guidance provided to you through medical consultation with our staff of Ayurveda doctors.

Kama Rani
's Proprietary Formula for Female Arousal Gives Lasting and Meaningful Results.
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